Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Retirement for US War Dogs

I knew the US military uses dogs. Our local Veterans Memorial Garden includes a K-9 Corps Memorial. What I didn't know is when their tour of duty is over the dogs aren't returned to their home station, and can be euthanized or abandoned in a foreign country. It wasn't even legal to adopt them until 2000.

Photo: http://lovingforaliving.blogspot.com/2010_05_01_archive.html

Fortunately, "...the military has made dramatic strides since then," according to an eye-opening article in the Military Times. Publicity about Cairo, a Navy Seal dog who participated in the raid on Osama Bin Laden's house, has increased the number of adoption applications so now there's a waiting list. I like Maj. Gen. Mary Kay Hertog's idea; she wants the dogs to be re-classified from "equipment" to canine veterans. "That would take an act of Congress, but it could also ensure that all dogs shipped out of the United States are brought back," says the Times. “Uncle Sam gave the dogs a ride over. He should give them a ride back,” says Kandoll.

 I couldn't agree more!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Seems like all the news broadcasts are covering the story of Harold Camping's prediction that Rapture will occur tomorrow, May 21st, 2011. The Atlanta Journal reports, "According to the Pew Center for the People and the Press, 41 percent of Americans believe Jesus Christ will return to Earth by 2050."

The web site Rapture Ready is chock full of information those folks could find useful, including a timeline of events pertaining to significant armaggedon factors such as the European Union and Rock and Roll. Another web site, Rapture Assurance, has an interesting pitch: "Are you ready to be Raptured? The Rapture Card will assist you. Get a Rapture Card and get peace of mind." I had to click on that, just to see what the card does.

I grew up learning all about the Rapture, or as our chuch called it, the Second Coming. As a child, whenever I saw beautiful cloud formations I searched the skies for Jesus just in case he was coming through. That's because I Thessalonians says, "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord." I didn't want to miss that!

If you're still around after May 21st, reading Tim LaHaye's books, especially the Left Behind series is another way to get a detailed perspective on these beliefs. By the way, a couple of months ago LaHaye said on Mike Huckabee's talk show that the Obama administration's policies are "bringing us closer to the apocalypse."

Predictions are a common as weeds. A local pastor, Gil Rugh, predicted Rapture would occur around the year 2000. Since then, he changed his mind. Rugh's pamphlet "The Rapture," published in 2010, says, "The next event for the church is the rapture. This has been true for the past 2000 years. No one knows when Christ will return because no one knows when the rapture will take place."
Though I find other people's end-times beliefs interesting, I don't feel anticipation or worry about any of that. I still love to watch our beautiful Nebraska skies and look forward to seeing Jesus some day, but for now my favorite version of "Rapture" is Blondie's!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Four-Legged Immigrant Coming to Omaha

A very unique therapy animal is coming to Omaha, all the way from Iraq! Smoke, a donkey who befriended a Marine unit while they were stationed in Iraq, will soon be part of Nebraska's Wounded Warrior Family Support program. Apparently, he's a charmer and really good with military personnel. Best of luck, Smoke!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Disposable Cup Lids

IMAGE: The Harpman/Specht lid collection, as featured in Cabinet. In: "The Evolution of Lids," Edible Geography http://www.ediblegeography.com/
When we were preparing to open our quick-service restaurant, Gordon and I spent a fair amount of time researching and discussing the pros and cons of disposable drinkwares. I hated the idea of using a petroleum product that's not quickly biodegradable. But we selected polystyrene foam because it's roughly 1/3 the price of the next cheapest product. Oh well, at least it's recyclable. Then we had to choose lids and straws to go with the cups. According to lid collector Phil Patton who apparently studies the subject, Americans use about a billion and a half plastic lids each year. For Frank and Simon's we chose a multifunctional straw/sip model which is a fairly recent innovation in the evolution of lids. Who knew?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dancing With the Stars

I'm an on again, off again "Stars" watcher. After watching Monday night, I applaud Kirstie Alley's gumption and stamina. Her competitors are quite younger and fitter than she. Yet through perseverance and impressive toughness in rehearsals, she comes through with suberb dancing. At this point, I would love to see her win!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pet Week

I just found out that last week was National Pet Week. Guess it was overshadowed by Mother's Day (which is understandable, since that is a VERY important holiday). Our family is pet crazy. We even named our restaurant, Frank & Simon's, after our dog and cat. My husband and I adopted a two year old terrier mix from the local Humane Society a couple of months ago. We named him Eddie. Isn't he cute?

Monday, May 9, 2011


Saw the movie "Super" last week. Fantastic acting by an all-star cast, interesting plot, and adult moral themes. But...it's very graphic and gruesome, too much for sensitive types and definitely NOT for kids or young teens.

Excitement of Business Startup

My son Gordon Miller and I started up a new business in our home town of Lincoln, Nebraska on February 14, 2011. Frank & Simon's is the name. Great food and friendly service is the product. Opening this business has been a great adventure for my family. CBS Signs designed our sign and we love it!