Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Retirement for US War Dogs

I knew the US military uses dogs. Our local Veterans Memorial Garden includes a K-9 Corps Memorial. What I didn't know is when their tour of duty is over the dogs aren't returned to their home station, and can be euthanized or abandoned in a foreign country. It wasn't even legal to adopt them until 2000.

Photo: http://lovingforaliving.blogspot.com/2010_05_01_archive.html

Fortunately, "...the military has made dramatic strides since then," according to an eye-opening article in the Military Times. Publicity about Cairo, a Navy Seal dog who participated in the raid on Osama Bin Laden's house, has increased the number of adoption applications so now there's a waiting list. I like Maj. Gen. Mary Kay Hertog's idea; she wants the dogs to be re-classified from "equipment" to canine veterans. "That would take an act of Congress, but it could also ensure that all dogs shipped out of the United States are brought back," says the Times. “Uncle Sam gave the dogs a ride over. He should give them a ride back,” says Kandoll.

 I couldn't agree more!

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